
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Creating MY Living Canvas

Hello friends!

A month or so ago, Christy Tomlinson introduced her newest online workshop 'Your Living Canvas' - a collaboration between her & Art McCracken. I am so inspired by Christy, totally admire her art style and have taken a couple of her online workshops...which were completely fabulous! So when she offered a discount on this class and a payment plan to boot, I just couldn't resist and I signed on for this creative adventure. Going to learn how to let go, reflect on who I am, what my story is and create art!

Thankfully, this is a self paced workshop and I do have an entire year to access the weekly exercises. So far I've experienced week one of the workshop and have created my art journal cover...

LIFE is about creating yourself. How true...and very cool is that?!

The book I choose to alter is titled 'Good to Great'. I love that you can still see the title on the spine, through all the layers of paint, paper & rubons.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do with this workshop and the art I create...enjoy the process.

If you're interested, you can find more info about Christy, Art and their 'Your Living Canvas' workshop here.

Wishing you a creative day,

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely stunning!!! I love Christy's workshops, too. I have taken her first She-Art girl workshop and loved it. I can't wait to see more from your journal!
